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Director’s Reflection
Dear Companions on the Journey,
Okay, today is St. Patrick’s Day. So here from a book of Celtic blessings…
I have tasted the fruit of the earth, O God.
I have seen autumn trees hang heavily with heaven’s gifts.
I have known people pregnant with your spirit of generosity.
Let these be guides to me this day.
And may Mary who knew her womb filled with your goodness teach me the wisdom that is born amidst pain.
May I know that deeper than any fallowness in me is the seed planted in the womb of my soul.
May I know that greater than any barrenness in the world is the harvest to be justly shared.
During this Lent, our Care for Our Common Home Committee is awakening in us, again, awareness of our fundamental relation to our earth. They call us to repent of the ways we have despoiled our planet and urge us, as part of our Lenten practice, to commit to new, creative ways to cherish God’s creation.
How do we waste water, waste plastic packaging, pollute our air, eat more meat than we should? Our families, at their family Lenten gathering, asked themselves those questions. Good questions, looking for action/answers. Our Auction Committee is exploring ways that our auction might be a bit eco-friendlier.
Last September, Pope Francis called us to pray for our environment. As we did in our liturgies. We continue to join him in prayer…
What do you think?
And let us pray for/with one another.
The Paulist Center