Junior High and Senior High Youth Groups
FREP Kickoff is September 15th!
Our teen programs meet approximately twice a month for social time, service work, bible study and theological discussion.
Jr. High Youth Group (Grades 7-8):
What is known by most is that the children are the future; they must be encouraged to explore their spirituality and develop a relationship with Christ. The goal is to teach young people within the church to continue trusting and growing in their relationship with God. This experience will propel them to be faithful to Christ in all they do as they get older. The Jr. High Youth Group is an opportunity for budding teens to talk about and experience God in more creative ways. For example, a Christian youth group encourages involvement both within the church and the community as ambassadors for Christ as they grow and begin to learn and have more experiences.
Sr. High Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
Once teens are confirmed the question can quickly become “Now what?” Instead of an end to one’s religious education formation, we invite teens to view it as the beginning of a new period of spirituality and responsibility, the beginning of a maturing discipleship. The classes may be over, but now the field work begins!
Here is a place where you can investigate the “Now what?” and explore how God is calling you to use your gifts of the Spirit. The group is a combination of social time (aka fun!), service to those in need, theological discussions on movies, and a time to inquire about being a lector, eucharistic minister, sacristan, musician, teacher, etc. And because social justice is an important part of our mission here at the Center, the youth group is an opportunity to engage with our ministries like our immigration and racial justice advocacy groups, our criminal justice reform group, our food programs like the Wednesday night supper club and our food pantry, and our care for creation ministry.
The Sr. High Youth Group will provide you with a safe and special opportunity to have important conversations about who you are and who you want to become. finding and using your voice in our church and beyond.
FREP Calendar for 2024-2025
Date | Day | Class/Event | Notes |
September TEACHER ORIENTATION | Saturday | Teachers meet @ 10:30 am | 3rd Floor Seminar Room |
September 15
YLM (Youth Liturgical Ministry Mass) |
Sunday | FREP Kick-off Liturgy
10 am Mass Community Coffee in Auditorium |
*Confirm. Team Building off-site and then at PC. |
September 22 | Sunday | 1st FREP Class: All Classes – 11:15 am – 12:15 pm
Confirmation Class*** (Intro & Fr. Rick) |
Parent Orientation with Teachers in 6th-floor classrooms. Children in Auditorium. |
September 29 | Sunday | FREP Classes
1st Reconciliation Gathering (Parents) |
1st Week of Religious Education Classes |
October 6 | Sunday | All Classes Service Project (HELP HANDS)
Confirmation Class*** |
October 20
Sunday | Intergenerational Class – Auditorium
Confirmation Class*** |
Immigration Advocacy Group (IAG) |
October 27 | Sunday | FREP Classes
1st Reconciliation Workshop @
12:30 pm (Parents & Kids) |
November 3
Sunday | Intergenerational Class – Auditorium | Norm-Liturgical Ministry Roles
November 10 | Sunday | OFF – HOLIDAY | VETERAN’S DAY |
November 17 | Sunday | FREP Classes
Confirmation Class*** |
November 17 | Sunday | 12:30 PM – Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation | Chapel |
November 24 | Sunday | FREP Classes
Confirmation Class*** |
December 1 | Sunday | OFF – HOLIDAY | THANKSGIVING |
December 8
Sunday | Advent Family Social
Confirmation Class*** |
Auditorium |
December 15 | Sunday | FREP Class | Christmas Concert |
December 22 | Sunday | OFF – HOLIDAY | CHRISTMAS BREAK |
December 29 | Sunday | OFF – HOLIDAY | CHRISTMAS BREAK |
January 5 | Sunday | FREP Class
Confirmation Class*** |
January 12
Sunday | Intergenerational Class-Auditorium | Racial Justice Advocacy Group (RJAG) |
January 19 | Sunday | OFF-HOLIDAY | MLK, JR. DAY |
January 26 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class*** |
1st Communion Mtg (Fr. Rick @ 11: 30 am) |
February 2 *YLM | Sunday | Class | Rite of Enrollment 1st Communion |
February 9 | Sunday | All Classes Service Project
Confirmation Class*** |
February 16 & 23 | Sundays | OFF-SCHOOL VACATION | WINTER BREAK |
March 2 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class*** |
1st Communion Mtg |
March 9
Sunday | Lenten Family Social | Auditorium |
March 16 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class*** |
Parent Listening Session Grades 1-6
March 23 | Sunday | Class | SAFETY SUNDAY (Empowering God’s Children) |
March 30 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class *** |
April 6
Sunday | Intergenerational Class-Auditorium | Creation Care Ministry |
April 13 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class*** |
1st Communion Seder |
April 20 | Sunday | OFF – HOLIDAY | EASTER |
April 27 | Sunday | Class
Confirmation Class*** |
May 3 | Saturday | FREP Kids Volunteer | Annual Auction Fundraiser |
May 4 | Sunday | Walk for Hunger | End of Year FREP Party – Auditorium |
May 11 | Sunday | FREP CLASSES OVER | Mother’s Day (Back up date for 1st Communion. Date confirmed in Jan.) |
May 18 | Sunday | Sacrament of 1st Communion
Last Confirmation Class*** |
1st Communion Reception |
June 1 | Sunday | Confirmation Rehearsal – Chapel | 11:30 am -12:30 pm |
June 7 – DATE
Saturday 5 pm Mass | Sacrament of Confirmation | *Waiting on date & time confirmation from Bishop Reed |
*Some dates are potentially subject to change as the year progresses.
** No formal Sr. High Youth Group due to Teen Confirmation Class .
***Teen Confirmation Class only meets on these designated dates.
Key: No FREP Programming
FREP Classes
Alternate programming, i.e. Intergenerational FREP Sessions, Socials, Sacraments