Prayer & Worship

Prayer and worship are at the heart of our faith life.

When we together offer praise and thanks to God, we also strengthen our bond with one another as members of the Body of Christ.  Attentive to the Holy Spirit, we encourage all to participate fully in word and silence, music and movement. We welcome all to join us in weekend liturgy, daily Mass, other sacraments, and prayer services.

General Information

  • Mass Schedule


    Saturday Vigil

    10:00am, 6:00pm

    For more information see our Mass Schedule or visit our Calendar.

  • Holy Day Mass Schedule

    Mass times can vary depending on the Holy Day.

    Please see the Weekly Bulletin or our Calendar for information on the next upcoming Holy Day Masses.

  • Mass Readings

    Would you like to read and meditate upon the readings proclaimed at Sunday or daily Masses?

    Access today’s readings here. The English translation of these readings are from the New American Bible as found in the United States approved Catholic Lectionary for Mass. This same page also contains links to audio versions of the readings as well as podcasts and reflections that may be of interest.

Further information:

Liturgical Ministries

Each weekend, baptized lay members of the assembly undertake particular liturgical roles to assist in the celebration of the sacred Liturgy. Each of them is responding to the call to service within the community using the unique gifts with which God has blessed them. These ministries include lectors, acolytes, sacristans, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, offertory gift bearers, greeters, dance, and art and environment.

Music Ministries

A team of talented and dedicated musicians provide the musical leadership at each of our weekend Masses. They support and enhance the communal sung prayer by the addition of some vocal harmonies as well as special instrumentation. Each music group rehearses approximately 75 minutes prior to their weekend Liturgy, with combined and special group rehearsals scheduled seasonally and as needed. This ministry depends on the active support of many gifted volunteer musicians who help support the Center’s vision for creating “vibrant liturgy.”