Resources for Young Adults
Liturgical Year Resources:
Advent Resources: A collection of reflections, practices, and resources to more deeply enter the liturgical season.
Lent Resources: A collection of reflections, practices, and resources to more deeply enter the liturgical season.
Websites we Recommend:
Grotto Network is a a digital platform for Catholic millennials. It provides articles and videos with content across many different topics -from relationships, to volunteering, to career and finances.
Busted Halo is a Paulist online outreach ministry to young adults and spiritual seekers. Check out their great articles, videos, and podcasts!
God In All Things seeks to be a resource for those looking to deepen their spiritual life. With posts, podcasts, and audio meditations rooted in the Ignatian tradition, this blog tries to tackle everyday questions about God, discernment, and decision-making. Such an endeavour begins by first being attentive to how God permeates the moments of our exciting and mundane life.
Apps we Recommend:
Pray as you go: Pray as you Go is a daily prayer session, designed for use on portable devices, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc. New every day. Lasting from 10-13min, it combines music, Scripture, and some questions for reflection.
Saint of the Day: Stay connected to your faith and get daily inspiration from the saints! Each daily entry includes: a brief saint biography, commentary on the saint’s relevance to your own life, and reflective quote from Scripture, the saint, or another spiritual writer.
Reimagining the Examen: Offering multiple different examen practices, this app guides you through a stimulation reflection on your day, helping you invite God into the nitty-gritty of it. Choose an Examen that matches your current state of being, or pray that day’s scheduled reflection.
Better World Shopper: This is a website and app dedicated to providing people with a comprehensive, up-to-date, reliable account of the social and environmental responsibility of every company on the planet AND making it available in practical forms that individuals can use in their everyday lives.
Have other resources to recommend? contact the YAM Team.