Ways to Give

Donating to the Paulist Center

The Paulist Center Community appreciates the stewardship shown by all of our members. See below for additional ways to support the ministries of the Paulist Center.  If you wish to change the amount of your electronic giving, sign into the donation page with “Create a Profile” using the email address you used when you first set up your giving.  If you did not use an email address or have any problems, please contact Patty Simpson for assistance.

Type of Payment Description Form or Link
None Please join our community by filling out a membership card found in the racks near the front door, or register online. Online Registration
Bank Accounts or Credit Cards (online) Use our online service to set up one-time or recurring payments and donations or to change existing online donations. Each type of recurring transaction needs to be set up separately (once for each weekly, monthly, and annual donation). Set up/Make/Edit an Existing Online Payment
Bank Accounts or Credit Cards (by paper) Using Automatic Electronic Funds Transfers , you can set up an automatic deduction from your bank account or credit card on a recurrent or one-time basis. Donation Form
Please fill out, print, sign and return to Patty Simpson at the Paulist Center.

Donate by Phone

Give a one-time or recurring donation using your bank account or credit card by visiting tinyurl.com/DonatePaulistCenter or scanning the QR code on this page outlined in blue. You can use this method for donations for specific programs, too, and, if you are a registered member with us, these donations will be included in a year-end tax statement sent to you for any donations that are tax deductible per IRS regulations. Giving by this method helps us with our budgeting and stewardship efforts.

Use Apple Pay or Google Pay by visiting donorbox.org/paulistcenter, scanning the QR code on the red cards in the pews, or scanning the QR code on this page outlined in red. Please note that these donations will not be included in any year-end giving tax records, and they solely support our general operations.

Annual Auction

Every spring, the Paulist Center welcomes gifts, services, and other donations to be auctioned off at their Annual Live, Silent, and Dessert Auction. Learn how to contribute to our upcoming Auction here.


The fruit of the Center’s first capital campaign, The Paulist Center Endowment met the goal of developing an unrestricted endowment to support ministries. See more information about our Endowment here.

Matching Gifts

In the past few years, due to some changes in the wording of the law, many companies have been able to include churches in their matching gift programs as long as they are qualified 501(c)3 organizations, which the Paulist Center is. If your company offers a matching gift program, please check to see if you can have your donations to the Center matched. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Simpson for additional information.

Community Gift

Any community member interested in nominating an organization to be the recipient of one of our Community Gifts (5% of weekend collections), please send a note c/o The Paulist Center Administrative Assistant, with the name and address of the organization, its purpose, and the reason you would like to have them receive one of our gifts. If there is a particular time of year that would be especially appropriate for the awarding of the gift, please also include that information in the request. More information about our Community Gift here.