Community Building & Stewardship
While the Sunday Liturgy is the source of our nourishment and the hub from which all Paulist Center activity starts, the Paulist Center Community has generated many task-oriented groups which make community tangible and real…and often a lot of fun. For example, some gather around natural groups (e.g., families, young adults), others have tasks as their definition (e.g., Coffee after Sunday morning Masses), and still others have administrative responsibilities (e.g., Pastoral Council and Finance Committee). Browse through these to see where your gifts and interests might find a natural home. We are eager always for new ideas and new energy!
<!– the 40+ Dinner Group was removed in August 2022
Title: 40+ Group
Text in the box:
The 40+ Group seeks to build and develop community at the Paulist Center. They go out to dinner once a month after the Saturday Evening Mass and are willing and open to extend to other social and meaningful experiences. Anyone over the age of 40 is welcome to join!
For more information or to join our mailing list, contact Nora Bolcon.