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Director’s Reflection
Dear Companions on the Journey,
This came across my desk, around the turn of the new year. I decided not to wait a year to share it with you. It’s written by spiritual writer Joyce Rupp:
Sacred Mystery,
waiting on the threshold
of this new year,
You open the gates
and beckon to me:
“Come! Come!
Be not wary of what awaits you
as you enter the unknown terrain,
be not doubtful of your ability
to grow from its joys and sorrows.
For I am with you.
I will be your Guide.
I will be your Protector
You will never be alone.”
Guardian of this new year,
I set aside my fears, worries, concerns,
I open my life to mystery, to beauty,
to hospitality, to questions
to the endless opportunity
of discovering you in my relationships,
and to all the silent wisps of wonder
that will draw me to your heart.
I welcome your unfailing Presence
and walk with hope into this new year.
What do you think?
And let us pray for/with one another.
The Paulist Center