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February 18, 2022
Dear Companions on the Journey,
Hope for the Future Campaign in Full Gear
The Hope for the Future campaign is now underway, and the generosity of our Paulist Center community is already clearly apparent. To date, our campaign has raised $148,000 toward our $856,000 campaign goal.
Thank you to the donors who have given so generously in the early stages of our campaign. While there is much to celebrate, there is also much work to be done.
In the coming weeks, volunteers will be reaching out individually to members of our community. Please keep in mind the following:
• Volunteers – Dual Donation
The volunteers who are contacting families are just that – volunteers. They have graciously agreed to donate their time and talent for the betterment of the Paulist Fathers. They are serving in this role because they believe in the Paulist charism and are passionate about their future. Please thank them for helping the Paulists in this important capacity.
• Personal Touch
Paulist President Eric Andrews and I have asked each of our campaign volunteers to personally follow up with members of our community. If you receive a call, I ask that you:
- Take the call or return the message. Please don’t avoid talking to our volunteers. It makes their job more difficult and puts them in a position where they must keep calling in an attempt to reach you.
- Discuss the campaign either by phone, video confer-ence or in person – however you are comfortable. If you are asked to visit about the campaign, please give our volunteers 15 minutes of your time. They are not trying to twist your arm; they simply would like to briefly explain the campaign goals, answer your questions, and invite you to support the campaign.
• Your Gift Matters!
Remember, while the letter you received from Fr. Eric includes a financial request, it is not an expectation. It is an invitation. I invite you to pray about this campaign. You may not be able to give what was asked. You may be able to give more than asked. Whatever you decision is, know that I deeply appreciate your commitment and your blessing to the Paulists! (BTW, our Community volunteers do not know what that “ask amount” is.)
Thank you for your cooperation, your consideration, and your support of Paulist Fathers!
What do you think? How do you feel?
February is also Black History Month. Please consult our bulletin to see how our Paulist Center Racial Justice Advocacy Group is reading through this month. Also, each week I will provide a link to Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute series entitled “Conversations that Matter.” (They can be watched anytime.) The first: “Racism: The Perduring Assault Against Human Life and Dignity.” Here’s the link.
A Synod on Synodality
After Donna Doucette’s fine presentation on February 7th, the Pastoral Council set up a task force to chart the Paulist Center Community’s next steps. In the meantime, see this very helpful description of the Synod by Sr. Nathalie, the general secratry (and first woman to have a vote in a Synod). And stay tuned.
The Sunday bulletin is online at the Paulist Center website. We hope that you will open it with these links to see more about what is happening now at the Paulist Center Community.
Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Norm, Dorothy, Barbara, Rob, Alvaro, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.Hope for the Future Campaign in Full GearHope for