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February 11, 2022
Dear Companions on the Journey,
Hope for the Future Campaign Kickoff
This weekend, we will be kicking off Hope for the Future, a comprehensive campaign for the Paulist Fathers. Fr. Eric Andrews, C.S.P., president of the Paulist Fathers and here this weekend, will invite everyone to be a part of the historic effort. The campaign is a wonderful opportunity to solidify the Paulists’ future for many years to come. Fr. Eric’s invitation will ask each family to consider a suggested three-year pledge amount. These requests are not expectations but are intended to assist Paulist Center members in their discernment of a meaningful gift.
The request amounts for families to consider are based, in part, on support to the Paulist Center, past support to Paulist Fathers causes, a review by the director and the Paulist Office of Mission Advancement, and other information including whether you took part in the planning study. The Paulists certainly don’t know anyone’s financial situation – especially in light of COVID-19 – but Fr. Eric’s approach will be to ask every family to make a meaningful and sacrificial gift.
A special feature of this campaign, applicable only to the Paulist Center, is that fully 20% of all that is given from Boston will come back to help us in maintenance and capital needs. You may designate your gift to any of the goals of the campaign. For full description, go to
You should receive a campaign packet in the mail this week.
There are many methods of giving which can accommodate your current circumstances. The campaign offers flexible arrangements for when to pay and how to pay. Each family is asked to pray about what an appropriate sacrifice would be to provide meaningful support to the campaign and then complete an intention card.
Our community has a team of volunteers who are helping with the campaign. They will be available to provide information, answer questions, and assist you in completing your pledge form.
Such a major campaign occurs about every fifteen years. So, we want to make this time a very meaningful accomplishment.
Thank you so much for prayerfully considering a major gift.
What do you think? How do you feel?
February is also Black History Month. Please consult our bulletin to see how our Paulist Center Racial Justice Advocacy Group is reading through this month. Also, each week I will provide a link to Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute series entitled “Conversations that Matter.” (They can be watched anytime.) The first: “Racism: The Perduring Assault Against Human Life and Dignity.” Here’s the link.
Don’t miss this historic opportunity!
A “Synod on synodality” is what Pope Francis has called this synod. Its formal title is ‘For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.’ The Synod is our opportunity to help guide and shape the Catholic Church of the 21st century. Donna Doucette, Executive Director of Voice of the Faithful and long time Paulist Center Community member, will lead us in this educational offering. For more information, see the bulletin. Here is the link for the 7pm, Monday, February 7th Zoom event.
Special Event…for Family and Friends of LGBTQ Persons Group. Sunday, February 20 at 2:00 PM See this announcement.
The Sunday bulletin is online at the Paulist Center website. We hope that you will open it with these links to see more about what is happening now at the Paulist Center Community.
Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Norm, Dorothy, Barbara, Rob, Alvaro, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.