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Instead of Merely to Wish

October 15, 2021

Dear Companions on the Journey,

Last week, I spoke of the imperative to pray for the victims and families of clerical sexual abuse. As important as prayer is, it is not the only thing we do. I return to the sage wisdom of Rabbi Jack Riemer:

We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end war; for we know that you have made the world in a way that people must find their own path to peace within themseles and their neighbors.

We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end starvation; for you have already given us the resources with which to feed the entire world if we would only use them wisely.

We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to root out prejudice, for you have already given us eyes with which to see the good in all people, if we would only use them rightly.

We cannot merely pray to you, O God, to end despair; for you have already given us the power to clear away slums and to give hope, if we would only use our power justly…

Therefore we pray to you instead, O God, for strength, determination, and will power, to do instead of just to pray,
to become instead of merely to wish.


What do you think?

Please read our Bulletin (for last and this week).

We hope all can join us this Sunday, but be forewarned: the City of Boston is closing off Beacon Street between Charles and Bowdoin for most of Sunday (basically on the north side of the Common). So adjust your travel plans accordingly!

For All We’ve Lost:
A Prayer Service of Remembrance and Reconnection

Sunday, October 17 @ 1:00 pm in the Boston Common,
directly across the street from the Paulist Center.

Join us for a time of prayer, song, and reflection, as we come together to grieve our individual and communal losses during the pandemic: a time to remember those who have died, for those who have experienced a loss of employment, and for all who have faced illnesses; for the loss of the ability to come together in our Chapel for worship, companionship, and communal support, for our shared grief and anxiety around the uncertainties with regard to our work life and school life – for the loss of safety, social connections, and personal freedoms. And, finally, to remember that through all the tumult and strife, we are a people of hope.

If you plan on attending and/or if you have lost a loved one during the pandemic and would like the person’s name read at the prayer service, please let us know here.

Bring your own chairs if you are able. We will have some available.

Please remain after the service to socialize and reconnect with friends. Individually-wrapped snacks and drinks will be offered.

No rain date. Check the Center website and Facebook page by 11 am the day of if weather is questionable.

This prayer service is being offered by the Center staff to our Paulist Center Community in response to the poignant losses shared in our community survey and to offer us an outdoor gathering opportunity before the colder weather arrives.

For the safety of all, we are requesting everyone to mask.

Finding A Voice…

Voice of the Faithful‘s 2021 Conference: Re-Membering the Church: Moving Forward, October 22-23. For more information, go here.

Interested in Knowing More about becoming a Priest in the Paulist Fathers? Go here.

This Sunday, we celebrate the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The 10am Mass will be Live-Streamed from the Chapel, (available as recording at same link after 11:15am):
1.    Print it out to have in hand as you tune in; or
2.    Use a second “tab” in your browser for the Order, to alternate with viewing the Mass; or
3.    Bring it up on a second device (e.g., smart phone, iPad) while following the Liturgy on the Desktop.
Paulist Center Families, 10am, Sundays
  • Here is the Zoom link:
  • Meeting ID: 954 8912 2269; Passcode: 324485
Paulist Center Rosary Circle @ 7:30pm every Monday
  • Here’s the Zoom Link
  • Meeting ID: 487 503 158; Passcode: 021078
  All are welcome!


Mass times

Should you feel comfortable, you are invited to join your fellow Paulist Center Community members for in-person Liturgies:
  • Saturday @ 5pm
  • Sunday @ 10am
  • Sunday @ 6pm
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7:55am 
  • Tuesday and Thursday, 12:05pm  
Worshiping In-Person at the Paulist Center Chapel…
As mentioned above, we are returning to the requirement that everyone wear a mask while in the Paulist Center.   Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Note Carefully: If you are experiencing ANY symptom
that would indicate that you are ill (not just for Covid), please stay home.
*    *    *    *    *
Attentive to the Holy Spirit and nourished by vibrant liturgy, we [of the Paulist Center] are a Catholic community that welcomes all, fosters healing and reconciliation, and acts for justice.
…our mission statement
*    *    *    *    *
Ways of Giving:
We are so very grateful for your support during this time of uncertainty and financial peril. Here are two ways to give:
  • Giving by text: Text a whole dollar donation amount to 844-899-7511; this will be designated as your “Weekend Offering.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We continue our “Community Gift” – the Paulist Center’s tradition of giving away 5% of our weekend offerings, averaged out over the year — to a group outside of ourselves. This week we lift up Hearth, a nonprofit organization dedicated to elim- inating homelessness among the elderly. The goal is accom-plished through a unique blend of prevention, placement, and housing programs all designed to help elders find, and succeed in, homes of their own.
We thank you for your generosity.
 *    *    *    *    *
We conclude with the prophet Micah 6:8:
Our Faithful God has told you, O mortal, what is good;
   and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, to love kindness,
   and to walk humbly with your God?
And let us pray for/with one another.
Michael McGarry, C.S.P.
Director, the Paulist Center

Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Norm, John, Dorothy, Barbara, Rob, Alvaro, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.