December Pastoral Council Update
Here’s the news in brief from our December meeting: New members needed, a discussion about communications strategy, and a couple of ways to read the minutes of pastoral council meetings.
Here’s the news in brief from our December meeting: New members needed, a discussion about communications strategy, and a couple of ways to read the minutes of pastoral council meetings.
New Members Needed
Unexpected vacancies have created two openings for terms ending August 2019. (Assuming you like it, you can seek a full term then!) You can learn more here and by checking in with Council Chair Maggie Keefe.
Communications Strategy
Communications Manager Eric Jarrard helped us explore how best to communicate with Center members and to engage newcomers. Among his many good suggestions: Consider connecting with people via service initiatives (either providers or recipients) and then see if interest in membership develops. We welcome your suggestions as well.
Want to learn more?
Minutes of council meetings are posted to the bulletin board outside the auditorium and are available by request via email.