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January 28, 2021
Dear Companions on the Journey,
In the United States, the Catholic Church has often been associated with being “pro-life.” For some, that phrase has been narrowly associated with being anti-abortion. For others, employing a “consistent ethic of life,” that phrase covers a wide spectrum of issues, including justice for immigrants (see our bulletin about what our Afghan families need), working against the death penalty, working for support structures for families with children, working for penal reform, working to alleviate hunger, caring for our planet…and many more. Here I wish to recommend resources to think about/through the prolife as it applies to three issues:
- Death Penalty: join Cardinal Wilton Gregory and Sr. Helen Prejean (Hecker Award Winner) on Tuesday, Feb. 1 at 4pm for a conversation about death penalty and Catholic teaching. Go here to register so that you can join them at 4pm, Tuesday, February 1st;
- Pro-Life Movement at the Crossroads (abortion): This conversation, sponsored by Georgetown University, can be viewed anytime at this link.
- Working Against Racism: Join our Episcopal neighbors at the Cathedral of St. Paul in a tribute to the life and legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Wednesday, February 2, 6pm. Here’s the link.
What do you think?
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The Need for Sacrificial Giving
Jesus asks us to make our mark on this world and to serve the Lord by sharing His gifts with others.
A gift to the Hope for the Future campaign is a way of doing so. Your gift to the campaign will:
Fund construction of the Paulist House of Mission and Studies;
Support senior Paulists;
Help attend to deferred maintenance at Paulist Houses around the country; and
Invest in Paulist ministries such as Busted Halo, the Paulist Press, and Landings International.
Funding each of these goals with the financial resources we have been blessed with will, in turn, multiply those blessings back to us and to God.
To address some of your questions, please see these “FAQs“!
We will be getting into “high gear” on this campaign in February!
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Don’t miss this historic opportunity!
A “Synod on synodality” is what Pope Francis has called this synod. Its formal title is ‘For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.’ The Synod is our opportunity to help guide and shape the Catholic Church of the 21st century. Donna Doucette, Executive Director of Voice of the Faithful and long time Paulist Center Community member, will lead us in this educational offering. For more information, see the bulletin. Here is the link for the 7pm, Monday, February 7th Zoom event.
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Every once in a while there is a “small win” in our efforts to fashion a better world. Thanks to all Paulist Center members and friends who contacted the Governor’s office on behalf of commuting William Allen’s sentence. It happened! Dare we say that it happened because of our efforts?
The Sunday bulletin is online at the Paulist Center website. We hope that you will open it with these links to see more about what is happening now at the Paulist Center Community.
Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Norm, Dorothy, Barbara, Rob, Alvaro, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.