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Guerillas of Grace

November 13, 2020

Dear Friends on the Journey,

I continue to be moved by this prayer from Ted Loder’s Guerillas of Grace:

O God, complete the work you have begun in me.

Release through me
A flow of mercy and gentleness that will bring
water where there is desert,
healing where there is hurt,
peace where there is violence
beauty where there is ugliness,
justice where there is brokenness,
beginning where there are dead-ends.

Waken in me
gratitude for my life,
love for every living thing,
joy in what is human and holy,
praise for you.

Renew my faith that you are God
beyond my grasp but within my reach;
past my knowing but within my searching;
disturber of the assured, assurer of the disturbed.
destroyer of illusions, creator of dreams;
source of silence and music, sex and solitude, light and
darkness, death and life.

O keeper of Promises, composer of grace,
Grant me glee in my blood, prayer in my heart, trust at my
core, songs for my journey, and sense of your kingdom.

A reminder: this Sunday, at both the Families’ Liturgy of the Word and the Livestreamed 10am Mass, we will share the pictures of those who have gone before us, falling into the Loving Arms of our God (the latter may be accessed either live or in recorded form after the Live Mass). Please keep in your prayers, not only these, but all those inscribed in our Book of the Deceased. May they rest in peace.

And join us in our biweekly half-hour of prayer on Wednesday (link below).


…for the 3rd Saturday every month from 9:00 – 10:30 am. Volunteer helps unload cartons of food from the cars of “shoppers” who pick up food from the Greater Boston Food Bank and bring it to the Paulist Center. Semi-robust individuals needed as boxes/items need to be transferred from cars to carts, rolled into the building, unpacked and put away in our pantry, fridge and freezer. Contact Mares at

We have been asked to include this announcement from Cardinal Seán concerning currently-being-considered legislation for expanded abortion access in Massachusetts. Here is the link.


November is traditionally the time we remember those who have gone before us into Eternal Life. We invite you to submit names of your loved ones by filling out this form click here. The names will then be inscribed in our Book of Remembrance which will be displayed in our sanctuary. Names will also be part of an online and in Chapel PowerPoint presentation displayed at Sunday Mass.

To learn more about how you can attend – for free – the Archdiocesan convocation around Social Justice tomorrow, November 7th, 10am-12:30pm, go to this link:


Worshiping In-Person at the Paulist Center Chapel
(imperative if you will be worshiping with us) …

We have re-entered our Paulist Center Chapel. Please reserve a place for either the 5pm Mass on Saturday or the 10am on Sunday.

How to reserve a place?

Call the Center (617.742.4460) Wednesday through noontime Friday during business hours (10am-5pm).  Sal, our receptionist, will take your name and contact information (either email or phone number. We need this information so that we can contact you should we become aware, after the liturgy, of a person with Covid who attended your Mass).

Again, please read the Procedures carefully and watch the video [both links below]).  Of special note:

  • The doors open 10 minutes before the service.
  • Masks must be worn at all times in the Chapel.
  • Please follow the directions of the hospitality ministers when entering, exiting, and at communion.
  • Because central Boston is now in the “Red Zone,” we will be taking the temperature of everyone who enters the Chapel. Thank you for your understanding;
  • Once seated, please stay in place.
  • We invite you to hum along with the songs (no singing).


1) Here are the expectations and requirements: Procedures
2) A wonderful YouTube Video:


If you can assist with welcoming, seating, and directing people into and out of the Chapel, we would love to hear from you! If you are not in a vulnerable group with regard to COVID-19 and are willing and able to assist in this very important ministry, please contact Peter Ghiloni at


Linked In Prayer Opportunities with Your Community:

1.) For the 33rd Sunday of the Year, Ordinary Time, November 15th, Live-Streamed Liturgy/Mass from the Chapel, at 10am (available as recording at same link after 11:15am):
Here is the link:

2) Paulist Center Families Prayer Service, 10 am, Sunday
New Zoom meeting ID.  See the emailed weekly Missive from Fr. Mike McGarry for the link.
NB: Pictures of those who have fallen asleep in the Lord will be played at this liturgy AND the 10am Livestreamed liturgy.

3)  Rosary Group: 7:30 pm, Monday.
Join Zoom Meeting at this link:
Meeting ID: 487 503 158
Passcode: 021078

4) All are welcome to a half-hour prayer gathering for members of the Paulist Center Community next Wednesday, November 18th, 7pm,   All are welcome!
See the emailed weekly Missive from Fr. Mike McGarry for the link.


Spreading the Wealth:

Our “Community Gift” is our tradition of giving away 5% of our weekend offerings, averaged out over the whole year, to a group outside of ourselves.

This week, we lift up the My Brother’s Table. Located in Lynn, My Brother’s Table’s mission is to nourish the community every day through hospitality, free meals, and unconditional love. It is the largest soup kitchen on the North Shore, and this year alone, MBT has already served over 500,000 meals.Thank you!

We are so very grateful for your support during this time of uncertainly and financial peril. Here are two ways to give:

  1. To make a one-time or recurring donation using your bank account or credit card, click on the following link:
    Giving by text: Text 844-899-7511 with the amount you would like to donate (whole dollars only). Donations collected this way will be designated as part of the “Weekend Offering.”
  2. Giving by text: Text a whole dollar donation amount to 844-899-7511; this will be designated as your “Weekend Offering.”
An idea: Recently a few folks have made special contributions to help cover expenses for our live-streaming equipment. How thoughtful, how generous. What a great idea!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I conclude with the wise words of St. Teresa of Avila:

Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frighten.
Those who seek God shall
never go wanting.
Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frighten.
God alone fills us.

And let us pray for/with one another.

Michael McGarry, C.S.P.
Director, the Paulist Center

Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Peter, Dorothy, John, Barbara, Rob, Alvaro, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.

I will be sending out something every Thursday or Friday as the “shut down” continues.