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Give to the Annual Catholic Appeal

Director’s Reflection

Dear Companions on the Journey,

Please prayerfully consider giving to the annual Catholic Appeal: This is Our Church, next Weekend, 14-15 March. This will not be a usual “community gift” (5% of our collection; there will be another group who receives that next Sunday), but rather an opportunity for Paulist Center community members to give to this annual appeal from our Archdiocese for many of the Central Services from the Archdiocese.The Catholic Appeal funds, among others, the following (see

  • Clergy Personnel
  • Pastoral Planning
  • Outreach and Cultural Diversity (including Black Catholic Ministries, Hispanic Apostolate, and Ministry of Persons with Disabilities)
  • Risk Management Insurance
  • Stronger Catholic Schools
  • Faith Formation of Youth & Young Adults
  • Vibrant Parishes
  • Campus Ministry
  • Chaplains at various institutions (e.g., prisons, hospitals, psychiatric hospitals)
  • Marriage Ministry
  • Healing Families in Times of Difficulty (Bereavement, Healthcare, Prisons)
  • Pro-Life Ministry
  • Faith Community Nursing and Palliative Care
  • Support for Various Ethnic Ministries
  • Immigration Services to welcome new members to our community

And many others… (but NOT financial settlements and counseling/mediation costs for victims of clergy sexual abuse).

* * *

As Cardinal Seán says, “When you participate in the Catholic Appeal you help to strengthen our parish communities, our Catholic schools and enable us to continue living our faith together through the beauty and joy of the Gospel. I am truly grateful for your support.”

Please be as generous as you can be with our fellow Catholics.

What do you think?
And let us pray for one another,
Michael McGarry, C.S.P.