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We will just have to wait a little longer

Dear Friends on the Journey,

We have decided to postpone and scale back the Reentry into the Paulist Center Chapel. That is, at this writing, we are hoping to offer two weekend liturgies – 5pm Saturday and 10am Sunday – beginning Saturday, August 8th. See links below about Procedures we will be following.

For some, this will be disappoining because they were eagerly looking forward to gathering again around the Lord’s Table for in-person Eucharist. For others, it is interesting news, but personally irrelevant because they had no intention of returning to the chapel until early winter or until there is a vaccine. And for still others, this is a relief because they appreciate what, from their perspective, is prudent caution.

With most Catholic Churches in the Boston Archdiocese now offering in-person liturgies, why is the Paulist Center taking so long? Others query, With virtually all downtown Protestant Churches closed to in-person worship, why are you reentering the chapel? What’s the rush?

At the first closure of our Chapel in four months ago (that long ago?), I pledged that the Staff, with the input of various consultative bodies, would reenter the chapel only when, from our judgment, it was safe and we were ready. Who are those consultative bodies? The requirements of the Commonwealth (updated on July 6), the Archdiocese of Boston, and other Churches’ practices which we have researched. Closer to home, we have had long conversations with Ministerial Staff, the Pastoral Council, the Worship Team, a special Task Force assembled by the Pastoral Council, with primary coordinating by Peter Ghiloni, our minister of Liturgy and Music. Always a work in progress, we have always kept a keen eye on the data as they become available. Most recently, much data indicate that enclosed spaces where people are in “air contact” for more than ten minutes poses the most risk. Further, places with fewer windows need to pay attention to their HVAC systems. (Here at the Paulist Center, we have consulted with our technicians and some competent community members as we have installed more effective air filters for the AC units which require a higher power draw).

All this is to say that delay of some sanitizing equipment (we hope to be here by the end of the month), some cameras for easier, high-quality live-streaming, and the newer data about risk factors – all have moved us to delay our reentry by three weeks.

We are planning the next conversation on racism among the Paulist Center Community for Sunday, July 19th. Watch for next week’s Missive for particulars around the theme of “Our Faith and Its Resources to help us to be Anti-Racist.” In the meantime, get a step up on a daily commitment for racial justice through this beautiful novena:
· Here’s the link:

We wish to say, “thank you” and “Godspeed” to our Young Adult Minister and communications specialist, Kristin Hauser, as she moves on to being fulltime Youth Minister at St. Thomas More Parish, Chapel Hill, NC. We will pray for you as we ask yours in return.

Two very important items…

About Reentry into Our Chapel (tentatively scheduled for August 8, 5pm; August 9, 10am & 6pm).

This is very important:
We are still in need of hospitality ministers for our Chapel reentry. It is absolutely critical that we have a minimum of three people at each Mass who can assist with welcoming, seating, and directing people into and out of the Chapel. If you are not in a vulnerable group with regard to COVID-19 and are willing and able to assist in this very important ministry, please contact Peter Ghiloni at


1) Here are the expectations and requirements.

2) A wonderful YouTube Video (hats off, in appreciation, to Vincent Rocchio & family and the Hankle/Spicer family):

1) 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 12th, Live Streamed Liturgy/Mass from the Chapel, at 12N:

Here’s the link:

2) Paulist Center Families Prayer Service, 10 am, Sunday
Please click here to join us:
Meeting ID: 972 5247 4747, Password: 037026, One tap mobile
+16465588656,,97252474747#,,1#,037026# US (New York)

Please keep in your prayers the repose of the soul of Peggy O’Keefe, mother of Paulist Center member Christopher O’Keefe, who passed away this last week.

Ways of Giving:

Our “Community Gift” is our tradition of giving away 5% of our weekend offerings, averaged out over the whole year, to a group outside of ourselves. This week, we lift up Habitat for Humanity Boston ( By forming partnerships with low-income families in need of decent and affordable housing, Habitat helps bring homeownership which is a vital step for families break the cycle of poverty and bring pride in families and communities

We are so very grateful for your support during this time of uncertainly and financial peril. Here are two ways to give:

To make a one-time or recurring donation using your bank account or credit card, click on the following link:
Giving by text: Text 844-899-7511 with the amount you would like to donate (whole dollars only). Donations collected this way will be designated as part of the “Weekend Offering.”

An idea: Recently a few folks have made special contributions to help cover
expenses for our live-streaming equipment. How thoughtful, how generous.
What a great idea!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I conclude with the wise words of St. Teresa of Avila:

Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frighten.
Those who seek God shall
never go wanting.
Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frighten.
God alone fills us.

And let us pray for/with one another.

Michael McGarry, C.S.P.
Director, the Paulist Center

Along with Patty, Chuck, Susan, Peter, Kristin, Dorothy, Alvaro, Barbara, Rob, and Sal. Please feel free to call upon your Pastoral Ministers if you wish.

I will be sending out something every Thursday or Friday as the “shut down” continues.

Keeping the Faith During the Time of Coronavirus